Why do we need to build good people network? How important is this network, and why do we have to build it?
I’d like to ask for Luang Phaw’s explanation for what you told us to build good people network. How important is this network, and why do we have to build it?
Phoenix Swan-Dragon
My mother saved up until she had a lot of money in a trust fund. Unfortunately, it seems like it was her kamma. That trust went bankrupt. My mother lost many millions of baht.
Does Buddhism have any teaching about management?
I wonder why presently general business people like to read foreign management books. Does Buddhism have any teaching about management?
Living In A Suitable Location
Likewise with regards to human beings for instance: a capable intelligent man who lives in an improper surrounding and without support from others, could accomplish nothing, no matter how intelligent he is.
Child Should Minister to His Parents
The direction in front of us represents the relationships the relationships we have with others as a result of their giving birth to us, i.e. our parents.
Change the World :- Eric Levine ... WoW
Eric Levine ... the owner of California Fitness WoW He is wow because he is another one who wants to change the world to be peaceful.
I got the three wishes from Luang Pu
An audience unveiled that her wishes were fulfilled because of Luang Pu. What were her wishes? How did her wishes concern with Luang Pu? However, she confirmed that she is happy now because of Luang Pu!!
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Artfulness in Application (1)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Third Group of Blessings. Blessing Eight :- Artfulness in Application
Children Who Are Addicted to Apayamukha (the Roads to Ruin)
Their love for their children makes parents work hard to earn money, so that they can provide comforts like an education, toys, and clothes for their children
I knew that he was hired to kill me for 30,000 baht of head-price. According to the gunman’s rule if you received money, you had only one way; to finish the job. If you missed, you would be killed.